
Key events for trainees and practitioners in perioperative medicine


15th December 2023

EBPOM London: World Congress 2024

Sessions this year include:

  • Bench to bedside in perioperative care
  • Postoperative Care 2.0
  • Oncoanaesthesia and perioperative cancer care
  • Implementing care: what works and what doesn’t
  • Perioperative cardiac risk and non-cardiac surgery

Speakers this year include:

  • Hilmy Ismail, Peter MacCallum Cancer, Melbourne, Australia
  • Denny Levett, Southampton University, Southampton, UK
  • Ramani Moonesinghe, UCL, London, UK
  • Joyce Yeung, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
  • Ross Kerridge, John Hunter Hospital & University of Newcastle, Australia
  • John Whittle, UCL, London, UK
  • Andrew Shaw, The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
  • Mark Edwards, Southampton University, Southampton, UK
  • Tong Joo Gan, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA
  • Ianthe Boden, University of Tasmania, Tasmania, Australia
  • Timothy Miller, Duke University Medical Center, North Carolina, USA

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