
TRIPOM is an educational collaborative for doctors interested in perioperative medicine


Trainees with an Interest in Perioperative Medicine (TRIPOM) is an educational collaborative run by and for trainees and all other professionals who come into contact with the surgical patient.

We aim to provide helpful educational content linked to major postgraduate education curricula, as well as signposts to useful educational resources.

Key resources include:

Perioperative Medicine Tutorial of the Month

Perioperative Medicine in a Nutshell
We are excited to report that our 'Perioperative Medicine in a Nutshell' series has launched and is being published as a series in the BJHM.

TRIPOM Journal Club
Weekly, based in departments around the world, both on and off twitter.

TRIPOM Journal Watch
A monthly round up of articles of interest to the busy perioperative physician.

The Perioperative Fellowship Directory
An expanding round up of all known fellowships in perioperative medicine, with content generated by fellows in post.

Educational events – domestic and international.

We want to foster a multidisciplinary community of like-minded individuals who are working towards developing perioperative medicine for the benefit of the surgical patient.

Over the coming weeks and months we aim to translate content here to published material in major journals.

If you would like to host or speak at a meeting, tell us about your fellowship, write a POMTOM/Nutshell, or an interesting article or host our journal club at your hospital then

Follow us on twitter

Or contact us at

Meet the team